Business Opportunity

Business Opportunity

1. Direct Selling

A dealer is entitled to a Retail Profit/Commission of up to 25% on First Vita Plus products lifetime. See First Vita Plus catalogue for more product in lines.

Regular price P 770.00
1 box Dalandan
Less 25% = P 192.00
Dealer's price: P577.50


2. Online Selling

A dealer can have his own website for On-line product selling. You can only get it at FVP Office. Note: Your personalized website is renewable yearly. The dealeres commission will be automatically send to their Cash Card.

3. Sales Commission

Friend - 
Direct Referral


A dealer is entitled to Unlimited Sales Commission of P 500.00 on every direct referral if First Vita Plus power pack.

Friend 1 purchased - 1FVP Powerpack
Friend 2 purchased - 1FVP Powerpack
Friend 3 purchased - 1FVP Powerpack

Power Pack Sales Commission
3 x P 500.00 = P 1,500.00

4. Sales Override Commission (P 385.00/PV)

5. Rebate 3 Level (3%, 2%, 1% = 6%)

Rebates and REV-UP Commission will be given on every 5th day of the month.
6. REVitalized Uni-level Plan
Rev-up incentive scheme - up to 8 level

is an additional rebate incentive scheme generated from a maximum 8-level deep matrix of First Vita Plus (FVP) Dealers.
There are 4 Sales Club Categories of Rev-UP:
  1. Prestige             3. President's   

  2. Executive          4. Chairman's  

7. Group Sales Override Commission GSOC (P 1,500.00)

Business Opportunity Business Opportunity Reviewed by ErwinVergaraVitaplus on 5:09:00 AM Rating: 5

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